Custom Query (4205 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 4205)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#719 Make Ch 5 Test suites strictly optional i.e. default is don't run them lfs-book@… defect high Book
#791 Better document the end result lfs-book@… defect high Book
#831 Mention that PPC cannot build NPTL with GCC 3.3.x lfs-book@… defect high Book
#859 Mention CONFIG_HOTPLUG=y req when building kernel lfs-book@… defect high Book
#863 usblp entries in udev configuration files Matthew Burgess defect high Book
#873 binutils lfs-book@… defect high Book
#887 No room for overriding LFS udev rules lfs-book@… defect high Book
#907 'su' missing from Appendix B lfs-book@… defect high Book
#914 Leftover reference to hotplug package Matthew Burgess defect high Book
#1012 Note about /usr/src/linux lfs-book@… defect high Book
#1032 New users and groups lfs-book@… task high Book
#1033 --disable-csharp doesn't work on gettext lfs-book@… defect high Book
#1056 Wrong Download URL for glibc lfs-book@… defect high Book
#1063 tar 1.14-1.15.1: large file corruptions using option -S lfs-book@… defect high Book
#1532 Section 6.32.1 breakage lfs-book@… defect high Book
#1579 Gzip install incomplete archaic@… defect high Book
#1642 Locale selection instructions are still incorrect Matthew Burgess defect high 6.1.1 Book
#1686 Groff lfs-book@… defect high Book
#1703 6.1.1 - IMPORTANT BOOK ENHANCEMENT (using 6.1.3 live-cd) lfs-book@… enhancement high 6.2 Book
#1712 6.50.1 module-init-tools lfs-book@… defect high Book
#1718 error when compiling w/usb-audio Jeremy Huntwork defect high 6.2 Book
#1750 Shadow >= 4.0.14 installs UTF-8 manual pages ken@… defect high 6.2 Book
#1767 Tar-1.15.1 security vulnerability ken@… defect high 6.2 Book
#1772 New wait_for_sysfs rules for linux-2.6.16 archaic@… defect high 6.2 Book
#1808 linux- bdubbs@… task high 6.2 Book
#1818 /dev/cdrom got symlinked to /dev/sg0 lfs-book@… defect high 6.2 Book
#1827 Move programs and support files out of usr for bootscripts bdubbs@… defect high 6.2 Book
#1842 DRIVER=="*?" in network udev rules breaks for some cards bdubbs@… task high 6.2 Book
#1845 inotify header bdubbs@… task high 6.2 Book
#1855 Wrong md5sum lfs-book@… defect high 6.2 Book
#1863 Bash depends on Bison Matthew Burgess task high Book
#1988 Error First pass of Binutils dnicholson@… defect high Book
#2056 Consider using --disable-shared for gcc pass 1 DJ Lucas enhancement high 6.4 Book
#2071 Perl doesn't know its vendor library location lfs-book@… defect high 6.4 Book
#2081 Chapter 5 Glibc looks at /etc/ DJ Lucas defect high 6.4 Book
#2113 Bugfix for procps randy@… defect high 6.4 Book
#2179 Flex-2.5.35 lfs-book@… task high 7.0 Book
#2225 IPRoute2-2.6.26 - wrong installation prefix DJ Lucas defect high 6.4 Book
#2229 GCC fixincludes DJ Lucas defect high 6.4 Book
#2249 CoreUtils i18n patch DJ Lucas task high 6.4 Book
#2412 Add more rationale to Toolchain Technical Notes lfs-book@… task high 7.0 Book
#2662 gcc 4.5.0 -Os does not generate correct code bdubbs@… defect high 6.7 Book
#2723 gcc configure must include --without{ppl,cloog} Matthew Burgess defect high 6.7 Book
#2746 pkg-config-0.25 needs to be patched to allow autoconf to work. bdubbs@… task high 6.7 Book
#2907 Missing udev-172-testfiles not on server Matthew Burgess defect high Book
#3066 Chapter 5 ncurses fails with (old?) gpm on host bdubbs@… task high 7.2 Book
#3105 Add pkg-config to LFS bdubbs@… task high 7.2 Book
#3255 e2fsprogs-1.42.6 make check fail to compile bdubbs@… defect high 7.3 Book
#3448 cut broken with Coreutils-8.22 and i18n patch from Fedora Matthew Burgess defect high 7.5 Book
#3482 util-linux ignores prefix to install bash completions lfs-book@… defect high 7.5 Book
#3485 Linux 3.13.2 lfs-book@… defect high 7.5 Book
#3486 glibc-2.19 bdubbs@… task high 7.5 Book
#3680 bash security hole Armin defect high 7.7 Book
#3681 Perl 5.20.1 Deep Recursion Stack Overflow Vulnerability bdubbs@… defect high 7.7 Book
#3876 7.8-systemd refferences systemd-224-compat-1.patch instead of systemd-228-compat-1.patch lfs-book@… defect high 7.9 Book
#3986 Create systemd security patch Douglas R. Reno task high 8.0 Book
#3993 dbus-1.10.12 (CVE-2015-0245) Douglas R. Reno enhancement high 8.0 Book
#3994 linux-4.8.3 ken@… task high 8.0 Book
#4293 packages.ent Readline package bad homepage url lfs-book task high 8.3 Book
#4294 packages.ent batch updates and fixes lfs-book task high 8.3 Book
#4343 trunk inconsistent lfs-book task high 8.4 Book
#4374 elfutils-0.175 Douglas R. Reno task high 8.4 Book
#4375 tcl-8.6.9 Douglas R. Reno task high 8.4 Book
#4377 Generate systemd-239 Backported Stable Snapshot Douglas R. Reno task high 8.4 Book
#4379 openssl-1.1.1a Douglas R. Reno task high 8.4 Book
#4384 perl-5.28.1 lfs-book task high 8.4 Book
#4395 Python-3.7.2 Douglas R. Reno task high 8.4 Book
#4428 Create security patch for systemd (CVE-2019-6454) Douglas R. Reno task high 8.4 Book
#4447 python3-3.7.3 lfs-book task high 9.0 Book
#4456 systemd-243 Douglas R. Reno task high 9.1 Book
#4470 dbus-1.12.14 (CVE-2019-12749) Douglas R. Reno task high 9.0 Book
#4482 vim CVE-2019-12735 lfs-book task high 9.0 Book
#4485 linux-5.1.11 (SACK PANIC fix) Douglas R. Reno task high 9.0 Book
#4490 bzip2-1.0.7 lfs-book task high 9.0 Book
#4496 python3-3.7.4 lfs-book task high 9.0 Book
#4508 glibc-2.30 lfs-book task high 9.0 Book
#4523 openssl-1.1.1d lfs-book task high 9.1 Book
#4530 e2fsprogs-1.45.4 lfs-book task high 9.1 Book
#4589 glibc-2.31 (CVE-2019-19126) Bruce Dubbs task high 9.1 Book
#4616 openssl-1.1.1f lfs-book task high 10.0 Book
#4643 openssl-1.1.1g (CVE-2020-1967) ken@… task high 10.0 Book
#4655 Python-3.8.3 lfs-book task high 10.0 Book
#4664 perl-5.30.3 Douglas R. Reno task high 10.0 Book
#4665 dbus-1.12.18 Douglas R. Reno task high 10.0 Book
#4682 dbus-1.12.20 Douglas R. Reno task high 10.0 Book
#4709 glibc-2.32 lfs-book task high 10.0 Book
#4723 linux-5.8.9 lfs-book task high 10.1 Book
#4724 bison-3.7.2 lfs-book task high 10.1 Book
#4767 python3-3.9.1 lfs-book task high 10.1 Book
#4768 openssl-1.1.1i lfs-book task high 10.1 Book
#4799 glibc-2.33 lfs-book task high 10.1 Book
#4813 tar-1.34 lfs-book task high 10.1 Book
#4816 openssl-1.1.1j Douglas R. Reno task high 10.1 Book
#4820 Python-3.9.2 (CVE-2021-3177, CVE-2021-23336) lfs-book task high 10.1 Book
#4838 openssl-1.1.1k (CVE-2021-3450 CVE-2021-3449) Douglas R. Reno task high 11.0 Book
#4843 Python3-3.9.4 (CVE-2021-3426) lfs-book task high 11.0 Book
#4854 Python-3.9.5 Douglas R. Reno enhancement high 11.0 Book
#4861 expat-2.4.1 lfs-book enhancement high 11.0 Book
#4863 linux-5.12.8 ken@… enhancement high 11.0 Book
#4866 linux-5.12.10 lfs-book enhancement high 11.0 Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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