Custom Query (4205 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 4205)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#39 automake-1.9.6 Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#40 create a xml file with chroot commands in it gerard@… defect normal Book
#41 re-order package installation in chapter 5 and 6 craigthulu@… defect normal Book
#42 Explanation for manpages patch nomis80@… defect normal Book
#43 can't be a symlink to a file in another directory lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#44 modutils 2.4.27 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#45 man-pages-2.21 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#46 add pwconv and (perhaps) grpconv commands to chapter 6's explanation about shadow suite gerard@… defect normal Book
#48 util-linux-2.12r lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#51 explain what all the patches are used for markh@… defect normal Book
#52 fix intel/chapter6/bash-inst.xml gerard@… defect normal Book
#53 functions script uses $*, bison's yacc uses "$@" lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#54 chapter 7: when creating directories, create the /etc/sysconfig directory gerard@… defect normal Book
#57 automake-1.5 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#59 gettext-0.14.5 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#62 Renamed to avoid confusion lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#64 vim-6.4 Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#65 loadproc problem gerard@… defect normal Book
#67 Decide on a good way to add 'raw' from util-linux markh@… defect normal Book
#68 Describe Glibc commands markh@… defect normal Book
#69 glibc-2.3.6 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#73 re-order appendixes and put the packages in the same order in which they are installed gerard@… defect normal Book
#74 Merge chapter 9 with chapters 6 and 7 gerard@… defect normal Book
#76 e2fsprogs-1.38 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#77 Command explanations inconsistent to actual commands lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#78 MAKEDEV-1.8 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#79 gcc-3.0 re_max_failures problem in chapter 5 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#80 convert patches on to one large patch lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#81 Fix txt indentation markh@… defect normal Book
#82 better ncurses patch to fix gcc-3 problems gerard@… defect normal Book
#83 binutils-2.16.1 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#84 groff-1.19.2 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#85 file-4.16 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#86 fix lfs-hint URL's (most lfs hint file name have been renamed) markh@… defect normal Book
#89 CXXFLAGS Command explanations not needed. lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#94 Change package sizes into Entities markh@… defect normal Book
#96 automated COL and WCOL settings markh@… defect normal Book
#103 sysvinit-2.86 markh@… defect normal Book
#107 Needed xml overhaul to fix browser incompatibility markh@… defect normal Book
#109 Add package versions to the install pages lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#111 export command won't work on non-bash shells lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#115 sync book with website - mirror, acknowledgements gerard@… defect normal Book
#116 change lfs-hints url's markh@… defect normal Book
#119 fix sysvinit-2.78 patch + expand on it lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#120 Fix package sizes lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#121 fix for seg faults in static fileutils-4.1 markh@… defect normal Book
#122 Glibc NIS+ patch markh@… defect normal Book
#123 Change patches to sed's where possible markh@… defect normal Book
#125 Simplify sed's markh@… defect normal Book
#126 move static libs from /lib to /usr/lib markh@… defect normal Book
#127 Bzip2 markh@… defect normal Book
#128 texinfo patch missing lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#129 chroot should be in /usr/sbin rather than /usr/bin markh@… defect normal Book
#130 set umask to 022 somewhere lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#133 Chapter 5 - Installing Linux Kernel-2.4.9 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#137 if you don't want all the locales to be installed with Glibc... markh@… defect normal Book
#138 change command calls to "exec command" lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#139 test: after glibc install run "exec /bin/bash" instead of exit+re-enter chroot gerard@… defect normal Book
#140 sed consistencies markh@… defect normal Book
#141 try out a new bash installation (to avoid having to exit chroot, move files, and then re-enter chroot again) gerard@… defect normal Book
#142 shorten sed's in glibc installation gerard@… defect normal Book
#143 copy website LFS explanation/intro to book's "who want to read this book" gerard@… defect normal Book
#144 problem compiling file-3.36 when using automake-1.5 markh@… defect normal Book
#148 Shorter fileutils sed gerard@… defect normal Book
#151 review use of -f flags to mv, cp, ln and remove them where they aren't necessary gerard@… defect normal Book
#159 mklost+found is moved to /sbin - i believe FHS suggests this, am not 100% sure, so check, then write in lfs-book why it's mv'ed gerard@… defect normal Book
#160 explain --with-root-prefix= option in e2fsprogs gerard@… defect normal Book
#161 add a "how to ask for help" in chapter 2 markh@… defect normal Book
#162 seperate patch commands in chap5 from main commands markh@… defect normal Book
#163 when installing chap5-bash, mention ncurses-dev(elopment) packages should be installed gerard@… defect normal Book
#165 easier way to configure procinfo gerard@… defect normal Book
#166 net-tools installation change gerard@… defect normal Book
#168 libtool-1.5.22 Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#172 update mailing list info when the lists have changed over lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#174 findutils locatedb location markh@… defect normal Book
#175 bison-2.1 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#181 add --exec-prefix=/ to psmisc gerard@… defect normal Book
#191 add kernel header cp explanation lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#193 e2fsprogs change markh@… defect normal Book
#194 mention Jeff Neitzel's shadow password hint (guess where) gerard@… defect normal Book
#195 static linking explanation markh@… defect normal Book
#197 broken line in creating dirs script line 2, after var and before opt lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#201 have book output files in seperate directories gerard@… defect normal Book
#202 Typo on .pdf page 89 - chapter 5: Installing Linux Kernel 2.4.8 gerard@… defect normal Book
#204 missing appendix a entry lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#210 shadow-4.0.14 Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#222 replacement for ifconfig (iproute2) lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#223 Typo: lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#226 bash-3.1 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#241 wrong lfs number in lfs-commands/chapter9/the-end gerard@… defect normal Book
#249 e2fsprogs-1.27 info page installation fix gerard@… defect normal Book
#250 psmisc-22.1 Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#266 bzip man pages gerard@… enhancement normal Book
#267 "init.d/network stop" needs to parse /etc/sysconfig/network to see if default gateway is specified gerard@… defect normal Book
#277 explain how to mount when using multiple partitions gerard@… defect normal Book
#278 Find out if export VAR=VALUE && commmand && unset VAR is really necessary gerard@… defect normal Book
#285 remove chroot run deps from appendix a gerard@… defect normal Book
#288 check the following groff-install-extension gerard@… enhancement normal Book
#291 Extra "from" in ch5 static explanation. gerard@… defect normal Book
#292 Nitpicking grammar, layout, abreviations gerard@… defect normal Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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