Custom Query (4205 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 4205)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#293 texinfo-4.8 Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#295 less-394 jeremy@… defect normal Book
#297 Install all software as an unprivileged user gerard@… defect normal Book
#299 /proc is owned by user 'lfs' gerard@… defect normal Book
#300 gcc creates empty /usr/<arch>/(include)/ directory gerard@… defect normal Book
#303 gawk-3.1.5 Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#304 manual installing a locale doens't work gerard@… defect normal Book
#305 bzip2-1.0.2 installation fix in chapter 06 gerard@… defect normal Book
#307 Fix installation of the same program by more than package winkie@… defect normal Book
#308 update man hint with following code to rename symlinks to point to the new compressed filenames markh@… defect normal Book
#310 lfs-bootscripts-1.8 gerard@… defect normal Book
#311 grep-2.5.1a lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#313 Fix up Gawk install directory gerard@… defect normal Book
#314 bzip2 installation fix gerard@… defect normal Book
#315 touch not in Textutils but Fileutils gerard@… defect normal Book
#316 Replace (most) sed's with patches gerard@… defect normal Book
#319 Addition for "how to ask question" markh@… defect normal Book
#323 Add package dependencies in Freshmeat markh@… defect normal Book
#324 lfs-bootscripts-1.9 gerard@… defect normal Book
#325 lfs-bootscripts-1.13 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#326 updatedb script has LIBEXECDIR defined as /usr/libexec - patch this gimli@… defect normal Book
#327 Add --disable-perl-regexp to chapter 05 - grep gimli@… defect normal Book
#333 hangup on bootscripterror in shutdown lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#335 procps' XSCPT='' can be changed to XSCPT="" perhaps? gerard@… defect normal Book
#338 instead of creating /etc/lfs-<version> file run a "cat version > /etc/lfs" lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#341 remove all glibc-2.0 related workarounds gerard@… defect normal Book
#342 replace the "cd dir && ln" commands with a single ln command gerard@… defect normal Book
#352 /etc/profile & /etc/vimrc lfs-book@… enhancement normal Book
#357 Bison Cleanup (appendix a) gerard@… defect normal Book
#359 netkit /etc/services vs port-assignments from IANA lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#365 Update contents and descriptions of all packages timothy@… defect normal Book
#375 zlib-1.2.1 greg@… defect normal Book
#381 perl-5.8.8 lfs-book@… defect normal 6.2 Book
#396 utmp/wtmp/btmp may need to be created earlier lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#409 Little error in LFS/BOOK/entities/gawk.ent lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#414 addition to chapter04/mounting.xml lfs-book@… enhancement normal Book
#418 procps-3.2.6 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#426 Entities fixes in chapter03 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#432 ncurses-5.5 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#435 Wrong download location for bzip2 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#437 Provide patches uncompressed. Easier to deal with/view that way and they don't take up all that much space/bandwidth lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#439 running localdef during Glibc install requires /usr/lib/locale to exist - verify. If so, add to chapter 6's directory creation lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#440 Add findutils segfault patch lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#441 Remove "Where to store the downloaded software" section lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#442 Remove "How to install the software" section lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#443 What to do with "Which Platform" section lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#444 Add a Prerequisites section lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#445 Swap chapter 3 and 4? lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#446 sed-4.1.5 lfs-book@… defect normal 6.2 Book
#447 Add a "What now?" section after "Rebooting the system" lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#448 Chapter 5 sed instructions need --disable-nls lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#460 LFS FHS Compliance lfs-book@… enhancement normal Book
#461 Roll some patches back to being sed's greg@… defect normal Book
#462 Fix in Net-tools commands explanation, chapter 6 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#485 /usr/share/info/dir doesn't always get updated properly lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#486 remove slibdir=/lib from the chapter 6-gcc installation lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#488 checkfs - correction in fsck return codes interpretation lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#493 Treat mktemp as its own pkg - split out from lfs-utils lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#509 coreutils-5.93 Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#510 Apply Configuring system components patch lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#511 Apply chapter 06 - changingowner.xml patch lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#545 Book structure lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#552 lfs-utils-0.4.3 greg@… defect normal Book
#554 tcl-8.4.12 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#557 m4-1.4.4 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#561 tar-1.15.1 Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#567 findutils-4.2.27 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#570 Grub 0.97 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#577 E2fsprogs-1.34 command descriptions and program list need update before 5.0 release. Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#678 Book's treatment of --libexecdir is bogus gerard@… defect normal Book
#679 Too many coreutils binaries moved to /bin lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#700 "touch" missed in glibc process lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#704 Ncurses vsscanf patch unnecessary lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#738 linux- lfs-book@… defect normal 6.2 Book
#772 dejagnu-1.4.4 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#811 Make the legalnotice link into copyright lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#829 Explain what devices are created. lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#840 [PATCH] Correct DocBook DTD URL in INSTALL lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#852 Glibc Test Suite Failures lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#864 Races with device creation when udev is used with a modular kernel lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#874 udev-084 lfs-book@… defect normal 6.2 Book
#895 Incorrect startfiles linked in during ch6 toolchain lock in. lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#908 LFS Testing doesn't render properly on MSIE manuel@… defect normal Book
#909 Disk Space Requirements need updating archaic@… defect normal Book
#916 Zlib instructions -bad text Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#917 Texinfo - Bad Text Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
#923 zlib-1.2.3 lfs-book@… defect normal 6.1.1 Book
#925 linux-libc-headers- lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#930 module-init-tools-3.2.2 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#1006 glibc fails to compile under Fedora Core 3 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#1026 syslog-ng-1.6.6 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#1027 libol-0.3.15 lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#1064 GCC Chapter 6 reference to BLFS archaic@… defect normal Book
#1543 Hotplug "Installation Depends On" is incomplete archaic@… defect normal Book
#1557 Top Section header has no spacing when wrapped manuel@… defect normal Book
#1564 Invalid link to test suite failures archaic@… defect normal Book
#1593 Extra explanation required regarding creation of device files lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#1594 and tidy incompatible lfs-book@… defect normal Book
#1597 module-init-tools testsuite Matthew Burgess defect normal 6.1.1 Book
#1602 GCC4 Branch:Inetutils GCC4 patch is bad Matthew Burgess defect normal Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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