Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#2637 closed task (wontfix)


Reported by: ken@… Owned by: ken@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


A bit more involved to build than it used to be, and split up into four parts -

depends on wv : somebody suggested it can be built without if you pass a switch to configure, but I could find no evidence to support that in recent 2.6.

build and intall abiword itself, keep the source. build and install the plugins, pointing configure to the source


source can be removed build and install the extras build and install the docs

In theory, the extras are separate because they might not change. This doesn't seem to match what actually happens.

Still lagging the rest of gnome by a considerable margin (needs libgnomeprintui and thus libgnomeprint libgnomecanvas which most of gnome no longer use), and still fails to use fontconfig to find a glyph when it isn't in the chosen font. However, it's still a useable lightweight wordprocessor.

Change History (12)

comment:1 by ken@…, 15 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to ken@…
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by ken@…, 15 years ago

Summary: abiword-2.6.4abiword-2.6.5

2.6.5 has been out since November, apparently lots of bug fixes since 2.6.4.

comment:3 by willimm, 15 years ago

Hey. I noticed an new release of Abiword, 2.6.6. It is avable here:

Through the website still says 2.6.5.

comment:4 by ken@…, 15 years ago

Summary: abiword-2.6.5abiword-2.6.6

Thanks for the advice on the new version, I would have missed it.

I'm starting to have doubts on this - as with previous versions, it doesn't use fontconfig to find glyphs, so if a selected font doesn't contain the glyph you want, you're SOL (and occasionally it misrenders uncommon characters such as the hungarian o and u with double-acute accents) - as with konqueror in kde3, this can be worked around by choosing a suitable font. But I've just realised that the options in the main window are never translated, they always appear in english. At the moment, I don't know if that is a regression - google shows there was a separate locales package for 2.4.1 in at least one distro, but it probably was a one-off.

I got into that because I was looking at the additional docs package - en-US, fr-FR, pl-PL : what a mess! The english version is a slight superset of the docs in the base packages, the french and polish are translations of this. Except that the en-US link for problems points to the french page, for french the corresponding page cannot be found, and at least one other page has similar breakage. For the polish pages, text appears to be in UTF-8 (i.e. it renders), but at least one heading is in something odd, I guess iso8859-2 ('?' instead of c-acute). Will need to look more deeply before raising bug reports, then see if 2.4 still builds and is any better. More seriously, the extra docs are only in html - abiword's own 'help' doesn't find them, and yelp cannot find any office docs.

If we do go with 2.6, I'm proposing to include the plugins on the main page (they need a configured abiword source tree to be configured, and look for ../{,../,../../}abiword without specifying the version, so have to be told where to look. They allow it to read/write some other formats, including kwd and some OOo formats.

For 'extras' (more templates, pixmaps) and the docs, I'm inclined to point to the files (they don't have separate locations), with a brief note of who might want them. They're both CMMI, I'm starting to think they're unnecessary.

comment:5 by ken@…, 15 years ago

What I didn't initially spot was that the main help is mostly at - the additional docs are sometimes slightly more detailed, but nothing significant (although, of course, they are present even without an internet connection, provided you tell your browser where to look, so they are more useful to some people).

Anyway, as far as I can see there are no regressions compared to 2.4.

For localisation, it uses $LANG - epiphany was picking up my $LC_ALL and I hadn't noticed $LANG was also set (to en_GB.UTF-8) which was why abiword gave me everything in english <sigh>.

For the help, the minor misrendering of the polish pages is common to the online and the local versions, and in any case it's also true for 2.4.

Looks good to go, when I've looked a bit deeper into the online broken links and misrendering.

comment:6 by ken@…, 15 years ago

I can fix most of the misrendering in the Polish docs, filed with an attachment, but I'm not proposing to put it in lfs-patches because I can't work out where the two remaining misrenderings are generated from (nor can I provide translations for the missing pages in French and Polish ;)

Getting a bit nearer to committing abiword itself, and the plugins.

comment:7 by ken@…, 15 years ago

I thought my problem with this was deciding how to set it out in the book, and for that I was going to just do abiword itself plus the plugins (extras are mostly unnecessary, local docs are NOT found by default ('help' opens a browser with, and both of them are just CMMI unlike the plugins.

Seems I have a bigger problem - on the current (LFS-6.4) build on this machine, abiword-2.6.{5,6} crash when I try to open an existing file, or (on a new empty document) as soon as I've typed in a word (with a trailign space, presumably when the spellchecker activates). In an xterm I get this backtrace, but as far as I can see ALL the versions of every linked lib have not changed from my last build on another machine (where 2.6.5 works ok). Colour me confused.

*** glibc detected *** abiword: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x09ea8428 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========ken@ac30 ~ $

comment:8 by ken@…, 15 years ago

Seems to be libxml2-2.7.3 that provokes this. After building 2.7.2 and then manually fixing up the symlinks for{,.2} it works again. Further investigation to follow.

comment:9 by ken@…, 15 years ago

Finally got to running gdb on it - the trace when it crashes on opening a file is also in libenchant. Turns out enchant-1.3.0, which I had been using, is old. Installing enchant-1.4.2 fixes the problem (the only other user was gedit - running spell check there works with 1.4.2).

I didn't have to recompile abiword and gedit to get a working system, but I suppose I need to do that now to make sure they still compile :-(

comment:10 by ken@…, 15 years ago

Summary: abiword-2.6.6abiword-2.6.8

Version increase to 2.6.8, but this ticket is blocked by the problems with printing (including save as PDF or PS) when it links to libgnome / libgnomecups : - for me this only started happening when I upgraded to libxml2-2.7.3.

comment:11 by ken@…, 15 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed

Update on status: fedora and debian both seem to have open bugs on this. Upstream is concentrating on what will be 2.8. For the record, BOTH and need to point to the 2.7.2 versions - with those symlinks it works ok.

The general assumption is that something in libgnomeprint is the cause of this.

In the absence of a "CAN'T FIX" option, closing as WONTFIX because it's hard to justify rolling back libxml2.

comment:12 by (none), 14 years ago

Milestone: 6.4

Milestone 6.4 deleted

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