Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#3162 closed enhancement (fixed)

Consider adding --with-included-apr on apache configure string

Reported by: Stefan Morrell Owned by: Randy McMurchy
Priority: normal Milestone: x-future
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


I've just spent much of the afternoon banging my head against a wall working this one out.

I wanted to rebuild apache with berkeley db backend support in the bundled APR-Util, so I could then move on to a new subversion install. I faithfully added in the --with-dbm=db4 --with-berkeley-db to my configure command, however it didn't get linked in and on further inspection configure script didn't even appear to search for db.h etc at all.

I checked all over the system for errant db installs, finally deleting and upgrading the one I had all to no avail.

I then tried using --with-included-apr on the command line at configure time and finally it searched for, located and correctly found the berkeley db install and linked it into the final apache build.

I'm pretty much guessing here, however I am assuming the original configure saw APR libraries in place from the previous (without db) build of apache and decided it didn't require to use the included version, until I forced the issue with the additional parameter. Presumably where no previous apache install is present, the configure script automatically sets up to build the required APR libs.

Having rebuilt, the existing APR libraries were all overwritten with the newly created ones, so I guess this might be an issue where someone is installing APR and APR-Util separately. As I understand it however, this isn't recommended where a full Apache install is taking place.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Randy McMurchy, 14 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to Randy McMurchy
Status: newassigned

I ran into the same thing today, when rerunning the configure script with Apache already installed. I was confused at first, but it took just a minute to realize that it was using APR from the host and not from the sources.

I don't think adding the parameter is the right thing to do, but a note mentioning this would be very prudent. I just committed a version update to HTTPD, but I'll go back and add a note so I can close this ticket.

comment:2 by Randy McMurchy, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Added a section in the "Command Explanations" that covers this issue. Closing the ticket.

comment:3 by DJ Lucas, 14 years ago

Actually, I disagree to some extent, not strongly enough to reopen the bug, but I thought the reasoning behind the decision deserved some attention. I think it is usually in our best interest to follow any recommendations that the maintainer provides. There are, however, a few very special instances where this is not appropriate, and this may be one of them, but I don't believe so. If the installation always defaults to these switches, we meet the maintainers' expectations unconditionally (not to use another version of apr and/or apr-util). It is the configure script that is broken here, and providing those switches works around the problem IMO.

comment:4 by Randy McMurchy, 14 years ago

You've lost me on this one DJ. What did we do that does not follow the dev's recommendations? All I did was add a note in the command explanations for what to do if you want to use the internal copy of APR instead of the one on the system. What's your beef?

comment:5 by DJ Lucas, 14 years ago

We've done nothing, the apache devs did it to themselves. The developers specifically recommend against using a separate apr{-util}. What I'm saying is that the included configure script does not always meet the developer's own recommendation in some odd cases (if an update would be considered an odd case), while the suggested addition ('--with-included-apr' being added to the configure script switches in the book by default) always meets that recommendation. I'm asking why you decided not to put it in there, as adding it seemed the obvious choice to me. I just don't understand why we wouldn't want that switch added by default.

comment:6 by Randy McMurchy, 14 years ago

Ahh, I see your point now. But this is only in the case when someone is reinstalling HTTPD. I suppose I could add the parameter and change the message in the command explanations to remove it if you want to keep your existing APR installation.

One thing though. I've never read that the Apache devs want to use the bundled APR, I think that is something that was put in the book long ago on speculation. I'm open to anything.

Tell me what is best and we'll go with it.

comment:7 by bdubbs@…, 7 years ago

Milestone: futurex-future

Milestone renamed

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