Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#3176 closed task (fixed)

Xulrunner- won't compile

Reported by: Lars Bamberger Owned by: ken@…
Priority: normal Milestone: x-future
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


Xulrunner- won't compile with the instructions in the book.

Xulrunner checks for nspr >= 4.8.6 and nss >= 3.12.8. These checks will fail and xulrunner will automatically add the --with-nspr-cflags and --with-nspr-libs configuration options in order to use the included version of these packages. This conflicts with the --with-system-nspr and --with-system-nss options we have in .mozconfig. The result is an error and compilation stops.

One option would be to use the included versions of nspr and nss. I did not test this.

The other option is to upgrade the book to nspr-4.8.6 and nss-3.12.8. I did this and xulrunner compiles fine.

I did not test the firefox-3.6.11-provide_system_nspr_nss-1.patch.

In addition, the line sed 's@stable@unstable@' -i xulrunner/installer/ is obsolete, as it won't change anything in

I'll open two individual tickets for nspr and nss with reference to this ticket.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by ken@…, 14 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to ken@…

Doh! I didn't realise the versions of nspr and nss in the book were older than what I'm using. I'm using 4.8.6 and 3.12.7 - probably had to move those on for 3.6.10.

Oddly, the inadequate version of nss does *not* break the build, it's silently ignored. I only built xulrunner for testing, I don't have any use for it and have already discarded it, but the installed firefox-bin manages to link to my nspr, but not to my nss.

Thanks for the report.

comment:2 by ken@…, 14 years ago

Looking further, I'm increasingly baffled by nss in mozilla. Looking at the configure script, I can see that it wants at least 3.12.8 now, but I can't see that it uses it. I've now built 3.12.8 and rebuilt my (non xulrunner) firefox, but the resulting firefox-bin is not linked to libnss3 and friends.

Then I looked at an old 3.6.10 built using the then-current nss-3.12.7, and again I can't see it linking to libnss3.

So, I've taken another look at the logs from firefox-3.6.11 with nss-3.12.7. Searching for -lnss I can see that it *does* link to libnssutil3 and libnss3, but ldd shows no evidence of this. I guess we'd better have 3.12.8 because it is what this version of mozilla wants,.

comment:3 by DJ Lucas, 14 years ago

Take a look at the freshly built I personally think that I'd steer clear of the standalone build. IIRC, firefox doesn't use libcrmf.a directly...only libxul. I still fail to see why that is built as a static lib. Probably in at least a few cases, only the version string changed between releases of firefox (for only firefox itself).

comment:4 by ken@…, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in r8649, and r8650.

comment:5 by bdubbs@…, 7 years ago

Milestone: futurex-future

Milestone renamed

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