Opened 3 years ago

Closed 19 months ago

#1731 closed enhancement (fixed)

Add tools to check dependencies

Reported by: Pierre Labastie Owned by: alfs-log@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: ablfs Version: GIT
Severity: normal Keywords:


There are several kinds of checks we might want to implement, for example:

  • (i) check that a package can be built with only the listed dependencies, and their dependencies (missing dependency)
  • (ii) check that the dependencies do not include dependencies that are already in the dependency chain (redundant dependency)
  • (iii) check that a dependency is really needed (false dependency)

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Pierre Labastie, 3 years ago

Note that (i) is doable (and easy once #1730 is done). I suppose (ii) can be done too, but I have not thought about it yet. For (iii), this is more difficult, because we have to find a criterion that can be automated. Of course, removing all listed deps and use (i) to check, adding deps one by one could be done. But it is quite tedious when the number of deps is big!

comment:2 by Pierre Labastie, 19 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Implemented (i) in 0a1943912, dedd50263, 42dfc6ef2, 1bf09c15, 4dfe8f99, and 72711ab1. Closing for now: (ii) is not a big problem, and (iii) is really the role of the person updating the package, or occasionally of users.

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