#1738 closed defect (fixed)

"make chroot" should umount kernfs even if the shell exits with non-zero code

Reported by: xry111 Owned by: alfs-log@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: jhalfs Version: GIT
Severity: normal Keywords:


"make chroot" will start an interactive shell, and it's too easy to make it exit with non-zero code (for example, pressing Ctrl+C before typing "exit").

So I think we should make the exit code of the shell ignored:

chroot: devices
        -sudo $(CHROOT1)
        $(MAKE) teardown

Add a "-" before "sudo" here.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Pierre Labastie, 18 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Sure! Fixed at c552eab

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