Opened 5 weeks ago

Closed 5 weeks ago

#1746 closed enhancement (fixed)

RFE: Allow skip deleting the build directory in chapter 8 with a configuration entry

Reported by: xry111 Owned by: alfs-log@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: jhalfs Version: GIT
Severity: normal Keywords:


When we get a test failure, retaining the build directory can help us to root cause it.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by xry111, 5 weeks ago

Type: defectenhancement

comment:2 by Pierre Labastie, 5 weeks ago

Sure, should be easily doable. But as I understand, this would leave all build directories on the system, which represents quite an amount of disk space (not sure how much actually). Maybe it would be better to keep the build directory only on test failure? (run tests with set +e, test $? after running tests, and only if non zero keep the directory). Some packages with expected tests failures would be spuriously kept anyway.

Another option could be to stop the build at the first test failure allowing to rerun the tests immediately), but then there should be a way to inhibit stopping if tests failures are expected...

comment:3 by bdubbs, 5 weeks ago

For LFS I'm not sure this is useful. The build and test logs are retained and it really would not be hard to just unpack and manually redo the commands one at a time. If there is a problem before Chapter 8 then care needs to be taken for duplicate builds (binutis, gcc, util-linux, etc). I do most of the LFS updates and I do check with jhalfs before most commits (and ALL stable releases) so a user really should not need this type of capability.

I don't use jhalfs for BLFS, but I do retain the build directories. For a relatively complete BLFS I build in a separate partition /build. Right now it is 183G. That does not include texlive.

comment:4 by Pierre Labastie, 5 weeks ago

Ouch, there is a maximum of 32 parameters to xsltproc, and the new one reaches the limit...

comment:5 by Pierre Labastie, 5 weeks ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed at 13e77fe52c

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