Opened 14 hours ago

Last modified 12 hours ago

#1748 new defect

BLFS tools may fail to generate a script for some updated packages

Reported by: Pierre Labastie Owned by: alfs-log@…
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: ablfs Version: GIT
Severity: minor Keywords:


When treating dependencies, the tool does the full dependency graph, reduces it to a DAG, generates list of packages in build order and finally decides which packages must be built by comparing installed version and available version in the book. This comparison is made with sort -V, which does not make any difference between for example 3.0.0 and 3.0.0-RC, so that update from -RC to non-RC is not generated.

Severity and priority set to low because we normally don't have RC in BLFS (but this occurred for gimp recently)

Change History (2)

comment:1 by xry111, 14 hours ago

FYI ideally RC's should be named "1.2.3~rc2" instead of "1.2.3-rc2", then sort -V will do the correct thing. Unfortunately most upstreams just use "-" instead of "~".

comment:2 by Pierre Labastie, 12 hours ago

Reading the algorithm for sort -V (which is actually in filevercmp of gnulib), I guess I should replace -rc with ~rc before doing the comparison, but not -<anything else>...

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