Custom Query (4205 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 4205)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#588 Remove "make check" if it doesn't do anything jeremy@… defect highest Book
#589 Various textual changes chapter 1 through 4 gerard@… defect highest Book
#590 Gawk-3.1.3 has a testsuite jeremy@… defect highest Book
#591 Grep-2.5.1 lacks description of its configure options jeremy@… defect highest Book
#592 NCurses-5.3 lacks description for its "--without-ada" configure option jeremy@… defect highest Book
#593 Write new section "About the test suites" greg@… defect highest Book
#595 Entering the chroot environment: missing warning to remount devpts lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#596 Creating passwd and group: the book does not explain why we reload bash jwrober@… defect highest Book
#602 Fix text on static - vs - dynamically linked binaries jwrober@… defect highest Book
#658 Write new section detailing toolchain technical notes greg@… defect highest Book
#660 obsolete text in LFS jeremy@… defect highest Book
#661 Test tools not in Appendix A greg@… defect highest Book
#664 Inetutils package inaccuracies. lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#666 Glibc/chapter 5 redundant text greg@… defect highest Book
#672 "-k" option for TCL's testsuite is not needed jeremy@… defect highest Book
#673 make does nothing in dejagnu jeremy@… defect highest Book
#675 The book lacks descriptions for some command options greg@… defect highest Book
#676 "mount --bind /dev/pts $LFS/dev/pts" does not work jeremy@… defect highest Book
#685 Free space needed is too low lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#853 Documentation is needed for further configuration of Udev lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#870 Soon to be invalid URL for References. lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#875 iproute should be installed on the root partition Matthew Burgess defect highest Book
#899 DoS vulnerability in zlib 1.2.1 lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#901 Grub build needs a note on a known error lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#1061 Binutils build failure from libc stripped with buggy strip lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#1508 Chap5 binutils may require gettext archaic@… defect highest Book
#1510 About the Included CD page still in trunk & testing archaic@… defect highest Book
#1651 Don't kill udevd on the host lfs-book@… defect highest 6.1.1 Book
#1672 Network card order becomes random when hotplug is removed Matthew Burgess defect highest 6.2 Book
#1769 Udev-091 archaic@… defect highest 6.2 Book
#2099 version check script should be run with LC_ALL=C LANGUAGE=C lfs-book@… defect highest 7.0 Book
#2161 Grub is incompatible with 256-byte inodes on ext3 lfs-book@… task highest 7.0 Book
#2227 Perl-5.10.0 issues lfs-book@… defect highest 6.4 Book
#3169 Access denied for 'md5sums' in 7.2-rc1 lfs-book@… task highest 7.2 Website
#3457 uniq broken with Coreutils-8.22 and i18n patch from Fedora bdubbs@… defect highest 7.5 Book
#4012 linux-4.8.14 (CVE-2016-7596 CVE-2016-9919 CVE-2016-9793 CVE-2016-9794 CVE-2016-9806) lfs-book@… task highest 8.0 Book
#4024 zlib-1.2.10 lfs-book@… task highest 8.0 Book
#4097 Create glibc upstream security patch Douglas R. Reno task highest 8.1 Book
#4394 systemd-240 Douglas R. Reno task highest 8.4 Book
#5117 expat-2.4.9 lfs-book enhancement highest 11.3 Book
#5132 OpenSSL-3.0.7 lfs-book enhancement highest 11.3 Book
#5187 systemd - fix CVE-2022-4415 Douglas R. Reno enhancement highest 11.3 Book
#5211 openssl-3.0.8 Douglas R. Reno enhancement highest 11.3 Book
#5276 linux-6.4.1 Xi Ruoyao enhancement highest 12.0 Book
#37 Fix the kernel header situation (again) nomis80@… defect high Book
#47 kbd-1.12 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#49 autoconf-2.59 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#90 Wording of the installation of glibc and glibc-linuxthreads markh@… defect high Book
#97 add tree sizes and compile times to the book gerard@… defect high Book
#98 command explanation of man is incorrect lfs-book@… defect high Book
#124 Generate and add SBUs to book gerard@… defect high Book
#134 compile gcc with BOOT_LDFLAGS gerard@… defect high Book
#135 "make -e" not necessary for binutils-2.11.2 gerard@… defect high Book
#178 chapter8 - lilo gerard@… defect high Book
#198 sysklogd bootscripts passes -m 0 to syslogd gerard@… defect high Book
#215 Redundant MANPATH lfs-book@… defect high Book
#228 merge appendix a +b & order alphabetically markh@… defect high Book
#235 PR_PROGRAM doesn't point to the correct pr in diffutils gimli@… defect high Book
#253 Provide some help on how to answer the net-tools questions gerard@… defect high Book
#275 bzip2-1.0.3 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#280 lfs-bootscripts-1.6 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#283 man.conf location gerard@… defect high Book
#286 Shorten kernel install in chapter 05 gerard@… defect high Book
#289 lfs-bootscripts-1.7 gerard@… defect high Book
#320 diffutils-2.8.1 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#372 Replace make LDFLAGS=-static with export LDFLAGS=-static where needed timothy@… defect high Book
#388 Switch to gcc-core g++-core instead of the full gcc archive? timothy@… defect high Book
#398 remove superfluous *.so symlinks lfs-book@… defect high Book
#424 e2fsprogs install-info command may be superfluous lfs-book@… defect high Book
#449 man format patch lfs-book@… defect high Book
#451 Zlib Official Download Location is outdated lfs-book@… defect high Book
#454 binutils 2.13 and listing of 'gasp' in binutils contents description lfs-book@… defect high Book
#456 Instead of gcc's nofixincludes patch use the 'install-no-fixedincludes' make target lfs-book@… defect high Book
#459 Make don't display warning about "kmem" group anymore lfs-book@… defect high Book
#464 book still mentions yacc script lfs-book@… defect high Book
#487 change vim's compilation part: make CPPFLAGS=-DSYS_VIMRC_FILE=\\\"/etc/vimrc\\\" lfs-book@… defect high Book
#494 drop installation of libiberty.{a.h} lfs-book@… defect high Book
#495 Vim patch not needed anymore lfs-book@… defect high Book
#497 Wrong net-tools build instructions lfs-book@… defect high Book
#507 fix for buffer overrun in zlib 1.1.4 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#515 Setup basic networking at start of chapter 6 winkie@… defect high Book
#518 add gcc-testsuite package, or switch to full gcc package lfs-book@… defect high Book
#520 Link to wget file for downloading packages non-existant lfs-book@… defect high Book
#523 Need to run "make" in automake now lfs-book@… defect high Book
#524 Update for zlib and bzip2 installation instructions lfs-book@… defect high Book
#525 gcc-2.95.3 needs --enable-languages=c,c++ lfs-book@… defect high Book
#528 coreutils make check fix lfs-book@… defect high Book
#530 chapter 5-expect installation commands too complex maybe, could also potentially be causing the gcc make check problems lfs-book@… defect high Book
#536 Replace Bison patch with a sed. lfs-book@… defect high Book
#537 Chapter 5 - Ncurses and Perl simplifications lfs-book@… defect high Book
#538 Add --sysconfdir=/etc to inetutils lfs-book@… defect high Book
#543 Typographical error on page 186 of LFS 4.1 book lfs-book@… defect high Book
#544 Odd line entry on page 178 of LFS 4.1 book lfs-book@… defect high Book
#550 move /usr/bin/ping to /bin during inetutils install to make it FHS compliant lfs-book@… defect high Book
#558 patch-2.5.4 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#559 procinfo-18 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#560 sysklogd-1.4.1 lfs-book@… defect high Book
#574 man-1.5m1 might not need the $PATH hack lfs-book@… defect high Book
#594 Distribute section on Setting up Basic Networking to other sections lfs-book@… defect high Book
#684 Must re-evaluate package order then document the rationale. Jeremy Huntwork defect high 6.2 Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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