Custom Query (540 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 540)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#668 --with-ssl does not add relevant include directory into CPPFLAGS kpfleming@… defect normal nALFS - Front End (GUI)
#671 curl/wget code is duplicated in new-unpack and new-download handlers kpfleming@… enhancement normal nALFS - Back End (XML Handlers)
#835 linux-libc-headers filename alfs-log@… defect normal Profiles (LFS)
#1077 autoconf-2.59 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1078 automake-1.9.6 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1079 bash-3.1 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1080 binutils-2.16.1 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1081 bison-2.1 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1082 bzip2-1.0.3 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1083 coreutils-5.93 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1084 dejagnu-1.4.4 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1085 diffutils-2.8.1 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1086 e2fsprogs-1.38 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1087 expect-5.43.0 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1088 file-4.16 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1089 findutils-4.2.27 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1090 flex-2.5.31 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1091 gawk-3.1.5 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1092 gcc-4.0.2 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1093 gettext-0.14.5 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1094 glibc-2.3.6 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1095 grep-2.5.1a alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1096 groff- alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1097 grub-0.97 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1098 gzip-1.3.5 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1099 hotplug-2004_09_23 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1100 iana-etc-2.00 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1101 inetutils-1.4.2 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1102 iproute2-051007 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1103 kbd-1.12 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1104 less-394 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1105 lfs-bootscripts-20051223 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1106 libtool-1.5.22 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1107 linux- alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1108 linux-libc-headers- alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1109 m4-1.4.4 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1110 make-3.80 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1111 man-db-2.4.3 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1112 man-pages-2.21 Thomas task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1113 mktemp-1.5 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1114 module-init-tools-3.2.2 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1115 ncurses-5.5 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1116 patch-2.5.4 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1117 perl-5.8.7 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1118 procps-3.2.6 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1119 psmisc-22.1 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1120 readline-5.1 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1121 sed-4.1.4 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1122 shadow-4.0.14 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1123 sysklogd-1.4.1 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1124 sysvinit-2.86 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1125 tar-1.15.1 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1126 tcl-8.4.12 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1127 texinfo-4.8 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1128 udev-071 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1129 util-linux-2.12r alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1130 vim-6.4 alfs-log@… task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1131 zlib-1.2.3 Thomas task normal Profiles (LFS)
#1679 jhablfs - consistent error manuel@… defect normal jhalfs
#1680 Review and extend jhalfs README alfs-log@… defect normal jhalfs
#1681 jhalfs bypassing unpack of kernel source when instaling headers for CLFS Thomas defect normal jhalfs
#1682 jhalfs stops in e2fsprogs step for CLFS Thomas defect normal jhalfs
#1684 wget enhancements alfs-log@… enhancement normal jhalfs
#1685 "xxx not found in" bug alfs-log@… defect normal jhalfs
#1687 Typo in jhalfs systen -> system alfs-log@… defect normal jhalfs
#1688 Make the number of parallel jobs configurable in the menuconfig interface Pierre Labastie enhancement normal jhalfs
#1689 test for docbook presence before installing BLFS tools Pierre Labastie enhancement normal jhalfs
#1692 Rewrite a command for compiling CHROOT$i alfs-log@… enhancement normal jhalfs
#1693 Fortify unpacking in the scripts generated for BLFS Pierre Labastie enhancement normal jhalfs
#1694 Measured times and sizes include packaging, when package management is in effect Pierre Labastie defect normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1695 Always generate test instructions, but comment them out according to the settings Pierre Labastie enhancement normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1696 ed is not properly unpacked by the generated scriptlet alfs-log@… defect normal ablfs
#1697 Systemd units are not installed by the blfs tools Pierre Labastie defect normal ablfs
#1698 Add measurements of sizes and timings in BLFS tools Pierre Labastie task normal 3.0 ablfs
#1699 Instructions for generating network files do not work with systemd alfs-log@… defect normal new_features
#1700 Remove &&<cr> in BLFS scripts Pierre Labastie enhancement normal 3.0 ablfs
#1703 Allow to update LFS packages in BLFS tools Pierre Labastie enhancement normal 3.0 ablfs
#1705 Patches and bootscripts (or units) are not copied to SRC_ARCHIVE Pierre Labastie defect normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1708 Date reported for the SBU report file not the same as date in the filename of the report Pierre Labastie defect normal 2.4.1 jhalfs
#1709 quote bash variables when passing them to xsltproc Pierre Labastie defect normal 2.4.1 jhalfs
#1710 $JHALFSDIR maybe put twice in a path Pierre Labastie defect normal 2.4.1 jhalfs
#1711 Warn about removing build_dir Pierre Labastie enhancement normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1712 Possible conflict between script variables and package variables Pierre Labastie defect normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1713 Use sect1info tags to get tarball names and versions in LFS Pierre Labastie enhancement normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1714 Add some pages from "After LFS Configuration Issues" to ablfs alfs-log@… enhancement normal 3.0 ablfs
#1715 $LFS should be owned by root from the beginning Pierre Labastie enhancement normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1716 do not set LC_ALL=C in envars.conf alfs-log@… defect normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1718 xxx-pass1 is built after xxx in some cases alfs-log@… defect normal 3.0 ablfs
#1719 Some files may be not logged when using cmake+porg alfs-log@… defect normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1720 unset MAKELEVEL in scriptlets Pierre Labastie defect normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1721 Some installation instructions are not generated correctly when using porg alfs-log@… defect normal 3.0 ablfs
#1722 Add multilib support for the LFS book alfs-log@… enhancement normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1723 TRACKFILE should not contain LFS packages that are also in BLFS alfs-log@… defect normal 3.0 ablfs
#1724 Add lfs-bootscript package in for blfs tools alfs-log@… enhancement normal 3.0 ablfs
#1725 the top level make file may be run with parallelism enabled alfs-log@… defect normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1726 Change SBU report to use lscpu Pierre Labastie defect normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1729 blfs_root needs to be owned by lfs, yet lfs may not exist alfs-log@… defect normal 3.0 jhalfs
#1731 Add tools to check dependencies alfs-log@… enhancement normal ablfs
#1732 docbook-xsl is needed for "profiling" now alfs-log@… defect normal jhalfs
#1733 Improve help in menu Pierre Labastie enhancement normal jhalfs
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