Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

#1590 closed defect (invalid)

Udev rules for DVB devices

Reported by: pantelisk@… Owned by: lfs-book@…
Priority: lowest Milestone:
Component: Book Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


With the current LFS udev rules, dvb devices don't get correct names which results in programs like dvbtune to not run. Could you please add the following rules to the lfs-udev.rules ? KERNEL="*", NAME="dvb/adapter0/dvr%n" KERNEL="dvb0.demux*", NAME="dvb/adapter0/demux%n" KERNEL="dvb0.frontend*", NAME="dvb/adapter0/frontend%n" KERNEL="*", NAME="dvb/adapter0/audio%n" KERNEL="*", NAME="dvb/adapter0/ca%n" KERNEL="dvb0.osd*", NAME="dvb/adapter0/osd%n" KERNEL="*", NAME="dvb/adapter0/net%n" KERNEL="*", NAME="dvb/adapter0/video%n" Thanks, Pantelis

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Matthew Burgess, 20 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

I don't think DVB devices are usable without BLFS utilities, are they? If that's the case, then LFS has no place setting up devices which it can't interact with. Certainly, `dvbtune' isn't installed during LFS.

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