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Results (1 - 100 of 4982)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#13 Bootscripts clean up gerard@… defect highest Book
#18 Mention patches that can be applied to packages jeremy@… defect highest Book
#55 Incorrect symlinks in /etc/rc[06].d lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#58 linux-2.4.26 Matthew Burgess defect highest Book
#87 Installing Glibc on page 98 of the book needs re-writing lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#95 Signals not working right on LFS 2.4.4 system lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#101 --with-curses is not neccessary when building static version of BASH lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#145 re-evaluate installation order of packages in chapter 6, plus move these for sure: lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#149 install chap5 as non-root gimli@… defect highest Book
#150 re-create /bin/sh symlink in chapter 6 + similar things markh@… defect highest Book
#153 sulogin issues lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#155 configure perl with ./configure.gnu --prefix=/usr gerard@… defect highest Book
#169 investigate a better minimal LFS partition limit gerard@… defect highest Book
#176 discuss directory layout changes lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#182 detect all proc file systems before unmounting file systems gerard@… defect highest Book
#183 /etc/mtab a symlink to /proc/mounts? markh@… defect highest Book
#184 first run of checkfs will give warning if ext2 file system is used" markh@… defect highest Book
#190 reorganise descriptions markh@… defect highest Book
#192 change sed commands in book gimli@… defect highest Book
#196 ch5-kernel make mrproper explanation markh@… defect highest Book
#200 file installation fix gimli@… defect highest Book
#213 mailing list post address not mentioned on website/in book gerard@… defect highest Book
#216 couple of programs from kbd not installed gimli@… defect highest Book
#218 chapter 5 - gzip installation changes gerard@… defect highest Book
#229 explain why we cd $LFS before chroot to $LFS markh@… defect highest Book
#230 patch to make loadkeys -d work properly gerard@… defect highest Book
#232 split up chapter1-book version, move mirrors to it's own section gerard@… defect highest Book
#242 patch 2.5.4 needs -D_GNU_SOURCE on PPC gerard@… defect highest Book
#243 Weird typo's in dependencies for netkit-base gerard@… defect highest Book
#244 gzexe: /usr/bin/gzip -> /bin/gzip + fix gzexe's sleep expectancy gerard@… defect highest Book
#245 /usr/bin/vipw -> /usr/bin/vigr symlink gimli@… defect highest Book
#246 linuxthreads API man pages aren't installed lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#247 change commands to create utmp, btmp, wtmp and lastlog gerard@… defect highest Book
#248 Typos gerard@… defect highest Book
#251 When the new bootscripts are added to the book, find all helper programs the scripts use and put them in /bin and /sbin gerard@… defect highest Book
#254 Before starting with chapter 5, export LC_ALL="C" gerard@… defect highest Book
#255 broken kernel header installation gimli@… defect highest Book
#256 Fileutils 4.1 installs translations in chapter 5 gimli@… defect highest Book
#258 More package suggest seperate build dir (ala glibc and gcc) markh@… defect highest Book
#260 lfs-bootscripts installation gerard@… defect highest Book
#261 --libexecdir may not be needed for fileutils anymore gimli@… defect highest Book
#263 bison-1.31 install update gimli@… defect highest Book
#264 Bootscripts: creating new /var/run/utmp doesn't work gerard@… defect highest Book
#268 few bootscript cleanups gerard@… defect highest Book
#269 redundant (or needs rephrasing) text in chapter5/proc.xml gerard@… defect highest Book
#270 Non-existent command line parameter when copyying kernel headers gimli@… defect highest Book
#271 new official mawk site gimli@… defect highest Book
#272 gzexe problems markh@… defect highest Book
#273 don't sed config.make but use configparms gerard@… defect highest Book
#274 move chapterX directories to chapter0X gerard@… defect highest Book
#284 gzip-1.2.4b lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#290 Install make not to be setgid kmem gerard@… defect highest Book
#309 Find apps in chapter 6 that need /proc mounted, then remind people of mounting /proc in case it got unmounted during lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#318 Shared bzip2 library isn't Position Independant Code gerard@… defect highest Book
#322 shadow hardcodes path, possible others too. Correct this before compile time (kdebase otherwise fails) lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#336 chapter 6-gawk installs both /usr/bin/gawk and /usr/bin/gawk-<version> lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#339 bin86-0.16.3 lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#345 procps-2.0.7: 'top' crashes with various locale sets; fix attached lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#349 copy asm-generic to /usr/include too? (it may be required with future kernels as asm/errno.h may be split up into seperate files) lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#354 supress building of 'hostname' when installing sh-utils lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#355 c++filt stuff lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#356 Explain that the swap partition can be the same as the one from the host distribution lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#366 c++filt installation problem lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#370 binutils doesn't install libiberty.h lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#377 gcc-3.1 memset bug fix lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#378 Change bash config to make non interactive shells behave as interactive lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#379 missing /bin/install lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#380 bug in the install instructions of ch6-glibc lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#384 textutils-2.1 lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#386 Various glibc/gcc/binutils patches lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#389 Gawk patch lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#390 Static programs using readdir(3) may not work (such as ldconfig) lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#391 Configure less with --sysconfdir=/etc maybe? lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#394 ncurses build can do without --disable-termcap now lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#395 Patch for sh-utils needed in chapter 5 of cvs lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#399 See which "ln -sf" can be changed to "ln -s" now that there's the /static dir lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#400 Add KBD patch to solve the GCC-3.1+ faulty code generation lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#403 Add -c to man.conf's nroff command lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#405 Segmentation fault while configuring Binutils-2.13 lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#408 textutils requires re_max_failures to be set while building on older systems. lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#411 Recommend addition of "--enable-clocale=gnu" configure switch for Ch 6 GCC lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#413 zlib: modify installation instructions to install shared library to /lib timothy@… defect highest Book
#416 Vim - FHS Compliance notes are bogus lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#417 Ch 6 Bzip2 instructions minor improvement lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#420 Change man sed into a patch lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#423 Add lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#433 Kernel headers installation requires ownership change to root lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#458 kernel's make mandocs needs perl, move to just before glibc-pass2 lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#463 /etc/mtab should not be a symlink lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#465 Possibly remove "-D_GNU_SOURCE" from findutils lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#474 libcurses.a symlink command no longer needed + redo .so symlinks? lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#475 ch6 binutils no longer needs make install-info lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#482 Pending outcome of discussion on lfs-dev, add the mktemp package lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#490 inetutils-1.4.2 lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#492 No need to touch mtab in chapter 6, mounting proc should already create the file lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#496 Grammatical errors lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#499 flex-2.5.31 lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#508 Upgrade book to pure-lfs lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#516 Don't use cp -H in chapter 5 - kernel headers lfs-book@… defect highest Book
#517 Remove CFLAGS and most LDFLAGS lfs-book@… defect highest Book
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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