Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#2052 closed task (invalid)

Replacing ld in "Adjusting the toolchain" causes ld to exit with error

Reported by: James Rhodes Owned by: lfs-book@…
Priority: highest Milestone:
Component: Book Version: 6.3
Severity: critical Keywords:


Replacing ld in "Adjusting the toolchain" causes ld to exit with error "ld: cannot find -lc".

Not replacing ld with ld-new fixes this problem, and allows you to continue building (presumably, I'm not up to the building TCL step yet.)

Change History (3)

comment:1 by James Rhodes, 18 years ago

Version: SVN6.3

comment:2 by James Rhodes, 18 years ago

It appears when building TCL (and not replacing ld), I get this error :

gcc -pipe -shared -o regcomp.o regexec.o regfree.o regerror.o tclAlloc.o tclAsync.o tclBasic.o tclBinary.o tclCkalloc.o tclClock.o tclCmdAH.o tclCmdIL.o tclCmdMZ.o tclCompCmds.o tclCompExpr.o tclCompile.o tclDate.o tclEncoding.o tclEnv.o tclEvent.o tclExecute.o tclFCmd.o tclFileName.o tclGet.o tclHash.o tclHistory.o tclIndexObj.o tclInterp.o tclIO.o tclIOCmd.o tclIOGT.o tclIOSock.o tclIOUtil.o tclLink.o tclListObj.o tclLiteral.o tclLoad.o tclMain.o tclNamesp.o tclNotify.o tclObj.o tclPanic.o tclParse.o tclParseExpr.o tclPipe.o tclPkg.o tclPosixStr.o tclPreserve.o tclProc.o tclRegexp.o tclResolve.o tclResult.o tclScan.o tclStringObj.o tclThread.o tclThreadAlloc.o tclThreadJoin.o tclStubInit.o tclStubLib.o tclTimer.o tclUtf.o tclUtil.o tclVar.o tclUnixChan.o tclUnixEvent.o tclUnixFCmd.o tclUnixFile.o tclUnixPipe.o tclUnixSock.o tclUnixTime.o tclUnixInit.o tclUnixThrd.o  tclUnixNotfy.o memcmp.o strstr.o strtoul.o strtod.o fixstrtod.o tclLoadDl.o  -ldl  -lieee -lm   -Wl,-rpath,/tools/lib
fixstrtod.o: In function `fixstrtod':
fixstrtod.c:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `fixstrtod'
strtod.o:strtod.c:(.text+0x0): first defined here
/lfs/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.0.3/../../../../i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: Warning: size of symbol `fixstrtod' changed from 902 in strtod.o to 76 in fixstrtod.o
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [] Error 1

I'd just like to say that I copied and pasted every command (apart from re-adjusting ld so that it would get past "Adjusting the toolchain" step), so this should be working. (Technically I shouldn't have had to re-adjust ld)

comment:3 by Chris Staub, 18 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

I don't know what you mean by "not replacing ld with ld-new" or "apart from re-adjusting ld so that it would get past "Adjusting the toolchain" step", but if you follow the instructions in the book it will work fine. This Trac ticket system is only for reporting problems in the book - if you are having difficulties in building LFS you use the lfs-support mailing list.

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