Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#2108 closed task (fixed)

Vim 7.1 patches

Reported by: randy@… Owned by: lfs-book@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.0
Component: Book Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:

Description (last modified by Jeremy Huntwork)

The current LFS patch for VIM does not include all the upstream patches. The current patch rev upstream is at 293.

Change History (11)

comment:1 by Matthew Burgess, 17 years ago

Milestone: 7.0

comment:2 by Matthew Burgess, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in r8440.

comment:3 by Ag. Hatzimanikas, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

I am reopening for two reasons.

  1. As for a reminder to update Book with the latest fixes, I already uploaded vim-7.1-fixes-7.patch,

  1. I am not sure when Bram will release 7.2, so maybe this is going to be a really huge patch (it's already half of mbyte), so I am proposing to compress it before applying.

comment:4 by Jeremy Huntwork, 17 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Ag, I was going to update the book with your fixes-7 patch, but then I noticed that vim is up to patch version 293. Since you rolled up the last one, I figured I'd give you the opportunity to update it. :)

comment:5 by Ag. Hatzimanikas, 17 years ago

I can update it. Do you want to compress it first before commit it to the repo, and then you can use "bzcat ../vim-7.1-fixes-8.patch.bz2" to apply it?

As I said, perhaps a new release will get time, although there is a testing patch by Bram that adds floating point support; (maybe) that would be a good enough reason for 7.2. Until then, this will get huge over the time.

This patch is a work in progress, initially made by Matthew. I started by patchlevel 252. Patches 275, 278, 280, 282 and 285 didn't applied as they are for Mac or Windows only. There is some mess because of this reason, but for now its safe to assume that all the unix patches is in the patch.

comment:6 by Ag. Hatzimanikas, 17 years ago

Patch for testing the floating point support at,

A vimscript that tries to simplify some repeated boring tasks, to create/submit a patch with the latest upstream patches at,

comment:7 by tushar@…, 17 years ago

IMO we should stop applying patches to vim. vim-7.1 is the released version. The patches are similar to building from CVS sources. Every time there is a change, they upload a patch.

For comparison, the executable for MS Windows is still the one same one built in May 2007.

Additionally, vim is not that critical to the system stability that we have to have the latest and greatest.

comment:8 by Ag. Hatzimanikas, 17 years ago

Added vim-7.1-fixes-8.patch to the repo.

in reply to:  7 comment:9 by Ag. Hatzimanikas, 17 years ago

Replying to

IMO we should stop applying patches to vim. vim-7.1 is the released version. The patches are similar to building from CVS sources. Every time there is a change, they upload a patch.

It's not "They", it's just He.

For everyone was lucky enough to follow vim development, he can't but admire the work made by Bram. Bram works with problems and apply solutions. Granted it's not the typical Linux bazaar.

Sometimes - yes - a new patch introduces a new bug, rare but happens. But this is common to the software development and keep in mind that the reflexes from the vim community are quite sharp and those faults fixed immediately). In my opinion LFS very wisely apply those patches, as _every_ distribution does.

Now there is a question, if vim has a place in an LFS build. In my opinion no, as ed is more than enough, but this discussion is for another flame in another ticket.

comment:10 by Ag. Hatzimanikas, 17 years ago

A new beta release is available for testing:

This is 7.1 with all the patches applied and the updated runtime files.

With regards to patches, since 298 patch level there are a series of patches to fix the following vulnerability.

For a quick summary: the issue is with some weird filenames, e.g., some?%weird&filename, which can lead to an arbitrary code execution. Bram introduced the function fnameescape() to escape those weird characters in filenames. Please consult the above link for details if you have the patience.

The new beta comes also with floating point support and the usual float functions, e.g., sin(), round(), floor(), ceil(), pow(), cos(), abs(), trunc(), float2nr(), str2float()

I expect this beta becomes stable for release pretty soon; as I said the amount of testing with all these patches is considerable high. Also the floating point patch is under testing for a long time now, although with changes over time. So although I had ready for upload a consolidated patch (patch level 326), I guess we can hold on for the official 7.2 release.

comment:12 by ag@…, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Ticket #2207 created to handle the update, This can be closed.

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