Opened 24 years ago

Closed 21 years ago

#34 closed defect (fixed)

Add more documentation material

Reported by: gerard@… Owned by: lfs-book@…
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: Book Version: 3.0-pre2
Severity: normal Keywords:


Examples are:

  • ISP-Hookup-HOWTO

Change History (12)

comment:1 by gerard@…, 24 years ago

Like: ISP-Hookup-Guide NAG SAG

comment:2 by gerard@…, 24 years ago

Alternate boot script method:

comment:3 by nomis80@…, 24 years ago

ch06-file: Maybe here's a nice place to mention the "which-hint"?

ch06-gettext Maybe mention the lfs_frlocale_guide-hint on how to enable l10n and i18n? Or the different (COUNTRY)-Howto's ?

ch06-e2fsprogs Since the LFS-book is now more 'filesystem-aware', how about adding a note for (at least) the reiserfs-package at (since this seems to be most used next to ext2) and/or the reiserfs-hint?

comment:4 by gerard@…, 24 years ago

  • In chapter 2, when listing the packages to download, it might be nice to add

some forward-looking remarks re: networking. For instance, suggest that people download dhcpcd or whatever you need for dialup if necessary, as well as an ftp client and a text-based web browser. Sure, you can always reboot into the previous distribution and get things, but it could be nice to build a system that can grow on its own. Since a by-the-book lfs system can't acquire files on its own (that I know of), you either have to know to download things while you still can, or have some other way to get them.

comment:5 by gerard@…, 24 years ago


comment:6 by gerard@…, 24 years ago

Resolution: later
Status: newclosed

comment:7 by gerard@…, 23 years ago

Resolution: later
Status: closedreopened

comment:8 by gerard@…, 23 years ago

Priority: normallowest

comment:9 by timothy@…, 22 years ago

Refer to the Essential Pre-reading hint, perhaps on the prerequisites page.

comment:10 by lucius1@…, 21 years ago

I would recommend copying (eventually moving) the bits of BLFS that tell you how to install a DHCP client (ISC dhclient-3.0 worked for me) and wget (and maybe ncftp, but haven't needed it yet) into LFS, to implement the last suggestion of Gerard Beekmans above.

comment:11 by gerard@…, 21 years ago

Priority: lowestlow

comment:12 by jeremy@…, 21 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

There's now a lot of references to additional documentation in the book - essential pre-reading included. CLosing this one out finally.

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